If you notice your ankles keep swelling no matter what you do, this can be frustrating. This is especially true because when your ankles swell you likely feel a lot of pain, and you may be self-conscious about how you look. There can be many reasons why your ankles swell, two of which are listed below.  You will also find information about treatment options you have available to you.

Ankle Swelling Reasons

Two common causes of ankle swelling include:

Water Retention

Water retention is when excess fluid builds up in your ankles due to gravity. This is also known as edema and is common with the elderly. This generally happens on each side of your body, so you likely notice that both of your ankles swell up. This can be caused by health conditions, such as arthritis, kidney disease, and heart failure. Edema can also happen if you have no health conditions and it may simply be hereditary. Because this can be caused by something dangerous, however, you should see your doctor for an evaluation.

Venous Insufficiency

Venous insufficiency is when blood does not move through the veins in your feet and legs to your heart adequately. When a vein is weak or damaged, the blood then starts to build up in the ankles and feet. This problem can lead to infection, skin ulcers, and skin changes. If you notice any of these signs, you need to make an appointment with your doctor.

Treatment Options

There are many treatment options available to you. As an elderly person, if you are finding it difficult to walk due to the pain, your doctor may suggest that you use a cane or a walker until you get the pain under control.

Compression socks are often used as a form of treatment. These socks can control swelling in your ankles, lower legs, and feet. These socks work by squeezing the swelled area to prevent fluid buildup. This compression also helps to move fluid back up your legs. When you start shopping for knee high compression socks you will find there are different levels of compression available. Because it is important that you use the right level, ask your doctor what they suggest before you leave.

Another treatment option is using medications that will make your body expel any excess fluid you have. The fluid expels from your urine, which is known as diuretics.

Talk to your doctor and they can give you much more information about this.
